The audio produced comes from a single multi wave oscillator which is deceptive as it can utilise a mix of sin, saw and triangle waveforms to produce an array of sounds and textures. There are alternatives in that price range but are virtual analogue. The synth is monophonic and for the price of £249 it would be unrealistic to expect it to be polyphonic. Master & Dynamic MH40 Over-Ear Headphones review.

Take a look at the E-mu Systems Emulator II from 1984, famously used by Ferris Bueller.There is also CV/Gate Input should you decide to add to your eurorack modular setup if you fancy it. It does however have USB & MIDI capabilities to carry midi messaging both ways and all of this can be access through the ‘Microbrute Connection’ software. It operates on mains power something which could not be avoided due to voltage requirements for certain parts. The synth is fun and is well built coming in with an overall weight of 1.75kgs and dimensions of 325x221圆0mm. In reducing it however don’t be fooled Arturia have done an excellent job in keeping the fundamentals which made the ‘Minibrute’ such a success. It is reduced version of the Minbrute but I guess you would have figured that out yourself. This incredible success of this had led them to launching another synth called the ‘Microbrute’. Last year however saw them enter the analogue world of synthesizers themselves and in doing so creating the now very popular monophonic ‘Minibrute’ synth. French company Arturia have made waves in the software world for music producers over the last few years, for their emulation of classic analogue synths old and new.